I'd give it a spray of neem eco oil see what happens, cThere's no signs of any bugs, no issues that I can tell - she did start to go a bit pale but I think that's just because it needed a transplant - did that today so hopefully she'll darken back up. It's pineapple express as far as I know.
Gentz I need help here...I think my plant wants to keep growing or can I just leave it in the pot.I have worms and insects in my soil,like red worms or a centipede idk,but yea tell me if I need to replant and also is there a natural way to make plants grow faster?..Apperently Jazz music helps.Idk if it doesLooks like bugs to me too. Check around real close under the leaves and stems for webs or crawlers. I just made the decision today to give the win to the bugs and turn off the lights and cut my losses on this run. I didn’t catch them in time and they’re now back after I released beneficials. Indoor bugs are no joke!
Yep just found some bastard spidermites - only one so far but that must be it. Gonna have to go buy some BT tomorrowMight be thrips or spidermites and underfeeding. Could you post more accurate pics? Check underside of her leaves really close.