can cfls burn plants ?


i recently started my first grow starting wit 6 35 watt 6500k daylights everything was going brilliant til i was watching you tube and it seemed like everyone was telling everyone else to move the lights closer to the plants until they are almost touching "as the give off very little heat" so i did then goes out this morn and one of my plants is completely brown n crispy K.I.A and d rest wit some badly burned leaves by d way my plants are about 2 weeks old. why do alot of ppl say 2 do this when iv obviously found out d hard way dat it is clearly not true and they were 6500k i really wudn like to see wot damage the 2700k wud do at that range.​


Well-Known Member
well i can honestly tell you i have a very small micro grow,i use 6-8 42watt cfls ,being in such a small enclosure once my girl reaches 4-6 inches tall she is right beside the light with some of her leaves,and other than the occasional blade burn from laying on the light ,no burning like your describing. the only time ive ever experienced something u describe was when my fans died,and it got over a hundred in my box for 12 hours.when your girls are young(2weeksand under) they dont require all that light one 6500k . Once mine have hit the 4-5 node is when i add the rest of lights which is usually day 6-10 for my strain.hope this helps
Unfortunately, cfl's can burn the plants, but only if they are practically touching. I have the same problem sometimes. They really shouldn't be any closer than 1 inch and you have to keep a close eye on them throughout the day because plants tend to grow toward the light. If you see a light touching the plant at all move it immediately to avoid burning


Well-Known Member
I got a plant that's 12 days old...I just put a dome light and 2 23w 6500k bulbs on bulb was prolly an inch away...she seemed to jump right up and like the light...I left it overnight and i have a little brown at the end of the leaves....I am thinking b/c I pretty much completely covered her with the dome light, and it might not have had enough air flow, and got too hot inside.


bud bootlegger
yah, i don't know why some people are full of bs and say that cfls can't burn a plant.. any light can and will burn a plant if you let them touch the bulbs for any period of time.. i've burnt a few with my t5s, which also aren't supposed to burn plants btw... so much for that lie, lol..
the thing with growing with cfls is that you have to keep them about an inch or two from the plants, but if they are growing at a good clip, it's very easy for them to grow right into the bulbs and end up getting burnt..
it's very important when using them to keep a close eye on them when they are growing good and keep moving them so that you've always got a good inch or two between the bulb and the plants.. a nice fan can allow you to get them closer to the plants, but it won't stop them from getting burnt either..