Can cops search you're trunk for a routine stop??

3 years ago I got put over for speeding and the cop smelled weed in the car smoked earlier in the day. He flipped out and put me in handcuffs in the back of his cop car for 20 mins while he searched my car. He searched everywhere but the trunk ( I had nothing in there). He ended up giving me a possesion ticket for the 1 gram of weed he found... I wondered why he didn't search the trunk.
Personal experience and discussing this with two sister's ex- boyfriends, County Sheriff and City Cop. They cannot enter your trunk without your permission as it is a locked secure private property. Unless they can claim probable cause. Car smells like weed, cologne, air freshener, red eyes, chewing gum, nervousness, sunglasses, evasiveness and the list goes on. Do none of the above and commit no arrestable moving offenses. Then the trunk is off limits here. Be polite, respectful and accept whatever civil infraction you are guilty of and enjoy the trouble you didn't get in.
Majority of people let the cops search. Smh. The cops phrase it like a command but it's a question and a lot of people just figure they are gonna do it anyways but they aren't supposed too. If you refuse and they search anyways at least you have a chance at court to get search thrown out, if you give consent your screwed. Sometimes they will just do what they want but they do wear body cams now.

I have refused a search twice, and both times with good results. Was the cop pissed, yes. He made me get my motorcycle towed out of there (expired permit) and said he was getting a dog. Tow truck showed up before dog which had already taken a while and I got to leave with my back pack unsearched.


Always say loud and clear enough for camera to hear that you don't consent to a search that you understand your rights and you will not consent to any kind of search.

Don't let them intimidate you into it, they might do it anyways but still don't consent.

They will lie to try to get you to consent, saying if you just give it up or cooperate with them they will take it easy on you. NO they won't. They will arrest you, and at that point it's not even up to them it's up to the prosecutor. It's the same charge if they find it or if you give it up. And there is always a chance they won't find it or that the search can be argued later if you didn't give away your rights by consenting.

Don't consent,
Personal experience and discussing this with two sister's ex- boyfriends, County Sheriff and City Cop. They cannot enter your trunk without your permission as it is a locked secure private property. Unless they can claim probable cause. Car smells like weed, cologne, air freshener, red eyes, chewing gum, nervousness, sunglasses, evasiveness and the list goes on. Do none of the above and commit no arrestable moving offenses. Then the trunk is off limits here. Be polite, respectful and accept whatever civil infraction you are guilty of and enjoy the trouble you didn't get in.

I didn't think they could. I usually keep some weed in there in a air sealed bag inside one of those smell proof backpacks.
@tangerinegreen555 is right. All they need is probable cause which is simple to fake. I only refused a search once, and they threatened to wait for the dog unit, but it turned out to be a bluff. I only did this because I had nothing in the car, and was curious to see the outcome. The couple times they asked if I'd mind a search and I was riding dirty, I said, "Sure, look at anything you want..." They declined. But there is theory, and then there is real world practice. Final word - if one is seriously looking for legal advice on a weed site, things probably won't turn out well...

I almost never smoke in my car, vape all the time but not smoke. So if I’m stopped I know they don’t have probable cause so :finger:. Are most of them shady, yes. Will they try and trick you, absolutely. Best advice I have. If riding dirty, don’t do stupid shit, like smoking... The house I just moved from, in the hood. Got a knock bout 11pm. Cops. This lady had her purse snatched and her phone pinged at my location. Guess who wanted to come in based on that ping? Guess who did not come in...know your rights and handle yourself accordingly. They found her phone in my backyard where I said they could look. Never found purse, but I offered to look in the daylight. Never ever believe they will help you if you make things easy for them. While we are on the subject, I got pulled over yesterday, first time in years. no ticket, no shakedown. Literally like 2 minutes. Guess that stop sign at the end of my street really means stop. Lol
I almost never smoke in my car, vape all the time but not smoke. So if I’m stopped I know they don’t have probable cause so :finger:. Are most of them shady, yes. Will they try and trick you, absolutely. Best advice I have. If riding dirty, don’t do stupid shit, like smoking... The house I just moved from, in the hood. Got a knock bout 11pm. Cops. This lady had her purse snatched and her phone pinged at my location. Guess who wanted to come in based on that ping? Guess who did not come in...know your rights and handle yourself accordingly. They found her phone in my backyard where I said they could look. Never found purse, but I offered to look in the daylight. Never ever believe they will help you if you make things easy for them. While we are on the subject, I got pulled over yesterday, first time in years. no ticket, no shakedown. Literally like 2 minutes. Guess that stop sign at the end of my street really means stop. Lol
Can't believe you mugged some poor old woman for her purse