I do not even think I am aware of the situation, I think you only said you lost your kids because you failed a drug test. It could be any scenario for all I know. It is just my understanding that a judge has to give you mandatory drug tests, and the only time I know of when they do that is if you consent to get a reduced conviction. This is why some people say Cannabis can be addictive. Because there are so many pot smokers who instead of going to jail for a dime bag they pleaded to the courts and were sent to rehab for their marijuana addiction with mandatory drug test. You could also get mandatory drug (and alcohol) test if you are on probation. But like I said I am not aware of the situation, but I emphasize with you because I am a father. I do have experience with DHS and I know that there is rarely a reason that can keep you from ever seeing your kids ever again
. If you get a lawyer to fight for you that is. Usually the never see your kids again reasons are: having sex with your kids, pimping your kids out, mutilation of your children causing permanent injury and signing away permanent custody to adoptive parents (this could be fought over many years however if you changed your mind
.the signing away or rights part.) Thats why you should get a lawyer, people would be sympathetic I would think for a parent losing their kids over marijuana. I have seen meth heads and coke heads get their kids back, although they were the mothers. It is always harder for dad.