Can I Borrow Your PH Pen for a Minute?

Torpid X

Active Member
Hi, I'm a newbee still building up my supplies little by little, I don't have a PH pen yet (and showing some signs of deficency) and I was wondering if anyone would do a test for me. Please.

Using a 20oz bottle, tap water, and vinegar (5% acidity):

1. Take a measurement of the tap water
2. add 1 capfull of vinegar (cap off the 20oz) take measurement.
3. add 1 more capfull, take measurement.
4. add 1 more capfull, take measurement.

Three caps should give me a workable average.

(I prefer a 20oz/capfull ratio for simplicity but any realistic proportions would help)



Well-Known Member
get a $5-$10 chemical pH tester... Wal-Mart has a crappy one by the fish.

not nearly as accurate as the pens but they do work.

Torpid X

Active Member
Thanks for the reply but, $5 - $10 (and transportation costs $15 plus) could be put towards my pen (when I have cash (( broke )) ). Untill I get my own pen I just need a simple experiment to hold me over.

A good link on the subject will work also.



Well-Known Member
here's a slight problem, my tap water and your tap water could have a fairly large difference in ph levels.... but, if this hasnt been resolved by tomorrow, i will bust out some vinegar and help ya out?? not sure if it will be numbers u can count on tho... but for now, i am calling it a night...

best of luck to ya..


Well-Known Member
there is no way this will work... your water company is far different than mine... otherwise i would gladly help you out.

you are gonna have to suffer till you get your pen then.

dont worry, it wont be the end of the world.. it will just affect how well your plants absorb nutes.

Torpid X

Active Member
Thanks reefcouple (edit and bfg)

Actually I'm goint to use 7.0 spring water to water, the tap is just a baseline to measure the difference. I didn't want anyone to waste good water for the experiment.

Good night!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm a newbee still building up my supplies little by little, I don't have a PH pen yet (and showing some signs of deficency) and I was wondering if anyone would do a test for me. Please.

Using a 20oz bottle, tap water, and vinegar (5% acidity):

1. Take a measurement of the tap water
2. add 1 capfull of vinegar (cap off the 20oz) take measurement.
3. add 1 more capfull, take measurement.
4. add 1 more capfull, take measurement.

Three caps should give me a workable average.

(I prefer a 20oz/capfull ratio for simplicity but any realistic proportions would help)

depending on how hard your water is (ppm) the relative ph change will differ so this wont really work, sorry.:joint:


Well-Known Member
i think it would be just fine to run with the 7.0 pH for a couple weeks till you get your pen.

minor note... it wont take a whole capfull of any pH down additives to change the pH... specially not 20 oz of water.


Well-Known Member
i work as a microbiologist for a certain water company, and as everyone has said ph will vary from state to state and city to city. DIY red cabbage PH indicator - Marijuana Growing
This should solve any needs, if you cant"t afford red cabbage, you have more important things to do other than growing ganja. best o luck
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