Can i dry and cure outside???


Active Member
I wonna grow some green this summer but one big thing is my house, i have to many people goin in and out of my house to cure and dry weed in it. Anybody know how to do it outside?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
you can dry it outside but it must be well covered but well ventalated. you can cure outside as well as long as you have airtight containers. so you can dry outside as long as you don't get the weed wet.


Well-Known Member
Yea there's no issue with curing outside- that's in airtight jars anyway. Drying would be more difficult, but definitely possible. Do you have a shed, by any chance? I would imagine that could work. You'll just have to more careful, as widowman said.


Active Member
No, but i got something in mind that i can use. Its like a huge 30 gallon barrel that i can cut the top off of. I imagine i could dry anteast 5 lbs of wet bud in it.


Well-Known Member
Yea that sounds good. Make sure to clean it very well first (bleach). Then just cut as much ventilation as possible cause you need airflow (or else it will mold). And use a fan with it if you can, though that might be tough in your case.


Active Member
yeah, its hard in my case, i think ima take alot of window seal and cut out little squares and then cover em up. But after i get the outside dry what would i do?


Well-Known Member
What is window seal?

And I don't think I understand your question. After you get the outside of the bud dry? Once the stems snap easily between your fingers, then you can cure in airtight jars.


Well-Known Member
Your confused, the initial dry should not be in an air tight enviro.

Your barrel, You need holes for ventilation, if you can get a small fan in there that would be perfect, screens in the barrel, fan at the top for an exhaust, and an intake hole at the bottom. The container must be lightproof, light degrades THC, the biggest concern you should have if its raining or damp out, you need to keep the inside dry to umm..dry the buds so if its raining that moisture can make it inside through your intake.


Active Member
Well im talkin about dryin it right out in the middle of the woods where i grew it. No electricity, just mother nature and what ever i can find. What would yall do?


Well-Known Member
Honestly? I wouldn't do that. I'd find a damn good place in my house to dry it, even if it was a bit risky. There are so many problems with doing it outside, in my opinion...animals, insects, rain, humidity in general, impossible to make proper ventilation, tough to make light proof and vented at the same time, etc. Basically, you can take a big risk of losing your bud due to mold...animals...whatever or you can take a small risk and hide it somewhere clever in your house. Another question you should ask yourself is: am I totally screwed if someone finds it in my house, or would I just have to explain it to them and they'd be cool with it? Like, depends if it's cool friends who smoke and wouldn't care, or if it's your insanely anti-drug parents...

Some people dry in a cardboard box (which some additions, of course)...that could be easily hid in a closet or something and look completely normal.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe a tent???? With a fan in it ?????? :wall: ....i just need to ask my mom if i can pitch a tent in the backyard!
Your a fucking idiot if your growing and doing this without approval. She can loose everything she's got if you get caught...

if you need to ask to pitch a tent I'm sure she wouldn't let you do this....


Well-Known Member
make yourself a diy Rubbermaid dryer with diy carbon filter then you can dry inside with no smell. but as^^^^ says not a good idea to bring anything around your house if its not approved of. good luck