!!!!!can i flower at two weeks???


Well-Known Member
ok so ive got a total of four plants using soil that feeds up to three moths its week two today since i put them in the ground they are working on there third se of leaves and all are about 4-5 inches tall can i flower thses plants now??i am short on time that is why i am asking i know my yield will not be as big but what kinda yield can i expect out of these plants?? any and all help is appreciated thanks!!!:peace:
If they are clones feel free to start budding. If your growing from seed you can start budding but it will just keep vegging until it is sexually mature. This won't speed anything up, morle likely slow you down.
ok not sayin ur wrong but ive been hearing that you can flower at any time ive never heard anything bout it flowering when its ready to flower..i thought you had to induce flowering and that is what happens when you change the light schedule but i am new to this so the more opinons the better also what about yield size and no these are not clones either lol
if its from seed and you said only third set of leaves, no I wouldnt flower them

but you can flower anything. you can start flowering from seed.

its all on preference.

however, for seed plants...its always good to let them get to maturity as a mature plant will be more productive/potent than one that is not.
lol yield is dependent upon many of things.

also if this is your first grow, you shouldnt worry what size yield...... what is most important that you do have at least a yield
as long as there a good root system u can start to flower, personaly ide veg 1 more week just 2b sure, as for yeild i asked that question once and soon realized u cant even try to guess on yeild as so many factors make a difference, plus anything could happen, just veg 1 more week then flower those babies n see wot u get, thats part of the exitement. good luck
If they are clones feel free to start budding. If your growing from seed you can start budding but it will just keep vegging until it is sexually mature. This won't speed anything up, morle likely slow you down.

INCORRECT in my experience, if he starts to flower regardless of how long hes vegged the plant will go into overdrive and growth will be rappid especialy in the first 2-3weeks, only think he might notice is a N diff, as he hasnt realy built up much nitrogen supply in the leafes, peace:mrgreen:
damn that is fkin true but i wanna atleat a half ounce out of 4 plants assumin they are female(fingers crossed)

half ounce from 4 plants???

if u veg for another week then flower u can expect at least an ounce off each plant as long as u take good care of them and conditions are right, ul be a happy fella:hump:
damn that is fkin true but i wanna atleat a half ounce out of 4 plants assumin they are female(fingers crossed)

i have a buddy that had 1 plant, the plant was about 2 and a half feet tall at full. he got over an ounce and a half from it, and he barely knows what hes doing at all.

he didnt have proper lights, he picked them up from wal mart, not even the right spectrum or wattage, just some flourescent lights. he didnt know what nutrients to use, didnt know what soil to use. all he really did is water them and feed them nutrients. and he got almost 2 ounces off it.
of coruse because of his lack of experience, the bud was crap. he just bought stuff after that, and he would sometiems smoke the stuff he had.

but that might give you some idea on yield. this is actually my first controlled grow, so im waiting to see what kind of yeiled i will get.

i have two plants right now that are only about 30cm high going into flowering. well that was two weeks ago, they have grown to about 40cm now after 2 weeks flowering. but i think i will get a decent yield from them.
i have a buddy that had 1 plant, the plant was about 2 and a half feet tall at full. he got over an ounce and a half from it, and he barely knows what hes doing at all.

he didnt have proper lights, he picked them up from wal mart, not even the right spectrum or wattage, just some flourescent lights. he didnt know what nutrients to use, didnt know what soil to use. all he really did is water them and feed them nutrients. and he got almost 2 ounces off it.
of coruse because of his lack of experience, the bud was crap. he just bought stuff after that, and he would sometiems smoke the stuff he had.

but that might give you some idea on yield. this is actually my first controlled grow, so im waiting to see what kind of yeiled i will get.

i have two plants right now that are only about 30cm high going into flowering. well that was two weeks ago, they have grown to about 40cm now after 2 weeks flowering. but i think i will get a decent yield from them.

only 10cm growth in the first 2weeks flowering, john give it up fella, u should have much more growth than 10cm in the first 2weeks of flower my plants nearly trebled in size in the first 2weeks, i am using a 400w hps tho wich helps.
INCORRECT in my experience, if he starts to flower regardless of how long hes vegged the plant will go into overdrive and growth will be rappid especialy in the first 2-3weeks, only think he might notice is a N diff, as he hasnt realy built up much nitrogen supply in the leafes, peace:mrgreen:

Did they grow vegetation for 2-3 weeks or begin flowering...the 2-3 weeks of vegative growth during the flowering cycle is what slows you down. Just because you don't do it doesn't make it INCORRECT.
Did they grow vegetation for 2-3 weeks or begin flowering...the 2-3 weeks of vegative growth during the flowering cycle is what slows you down. Just because you don't do it doesn't make it INCORRECT.

mate there is no such thing a veg growth during the flower cycle, once they switch to flower, they take a fiew days to a week and off they go, in the first to weeks of flower they stretch like mad and any side growth that is already there also goes mad 2, mmmmmmm dunno wot u mean by veggin during flowering, sorry im NOT trying to be funny????!!!!!!!!!:leaf:
you seem pretty funny... that streching is the vegetive growth
I'm talking about... When I grow from seed I veg until my plants preflower or the nodes start to vary instead of being straight across from each other. Once I put them into flowering they never strech like crazy. They probably double in size, but it is slow and even growth accompanied by good flower growth evenly through out. There are many views and ways to go about growing. Your way suits you. Great. My opinion is that it will slow this grow down if he induces flowering now. You have offered your opinion and so have I. Now can we let him have this jacked thread back
you seem pretty funny... that streching is the vegetive growth
I'm talking about... When I grow from seed I veg until my plants preflower or the nodes start to vary instead of being straight across from each other. Once I put them into flowering they never strech like crazy. They probably double in size, but it is slow and even growth accompanied by good flower growth evenly through out. There are many views and ways to go about growing. Your way suits you. Great. My opinion is that it will slow this grow down if he induces flowering now. You have offered your opinion and so have I. Now can we let him have this jacked thread back

i was trying to be nice fella, u dont get veg growth when u start to flower u idiot , they are 2 completely different cycles!!!! and yes most peoples plants do stretch a lot(double even treble in size) in the first 2-3 weeks, maybe ur just not very good at wot ur TRYING to do!! it also depends what light ur using, cfl? hps?,
dont be an arse:finger: thats my opinion:finger:
p.s this is for the thread maker, IT SURELY WILL NOT SLOW UR GROWTH DOWN IF U FLOWER NOW, what method do u think sea of green users do!!!!!!!!!!!they clone until theres a root system then flower straight away, they do this for utelizing time the best they can!!!!!!!!!! GO 4 IT FLOWER THEM IF UR SHORT ON TIME U WONT BE DISAPOINTED, especialy if u were only expecting half oz from 4plants. u should get 2 oz at the very worst, good luck n sorry for me previous post in ur thread to that dick head wannaby. peace out
You can flower any time you want but if you switch the lights over before pre-flowers have shown you will be stressing the plant somewhat. This info is straight from the marijuana growers bible. However, the grow bible also includes a short grow journal where a couple guys were only vegging for a week before switching to flower. Their plants were finishing at around 2.5ft and looked awsome so the stress from flowering early can't be that bad. As for yield, you want 14 grams total off 4 plants so thats only 3.4 grams per plant. I think you could have grown under candlelight and started flowering before germination and still got that, so I doubt you will be disappointed.
i was trying to be nice fella, u dont get veg growth when u start to flower u idiot , they are 2 completely different cycles!!!! and yes most peoples plants do stretch a lot(double even treble in size) in the first 2-3 weeks, maybe ur just not very good at wot ur TRYING to do!! it also depends what light ur using, cfl? hps?,
dont be an arse:finger: thats my opinion:finger:

Like I said before your funny.