Can i force my plant for harvest?


Well-Known Member
hi all,

i'm on my second grow and things are coming along nicely. she is 8weeks old and two weeks into flowering. the thing is i'm going to amsterdam in mid febuary for four days and i have no one to water her for me and she isn't due to harvest till the end of feb. can i speed up the process to get an early harvest. i know i'll loose yeild but at least i'll still get a smoke. any suggestions?


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Some people hurry the harvest by reducing the light cycle to something like 10 on and 14 off or 11 on and 13 off. This won't move mountains for you but it is said to help. Nice plants by the way. If it were me I would water it well and have a large catch pan beneath to leave capillary feeding. Four days is not that long and it would be a shame to short this plant. Beautiful plant by the way. Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
omg its huge there must be something wrong with my plant. THey are almost a month old and only an inch tall.


Well-Known Member
thanks poeple. much respect. i think i'll go for the second option and water her well and leave a load of water in tha catch pan