Can I Fruit My Mushrooms With A Candle?


Growing mushrooms...
If i leave a small contained candle inside the chamber where the mushroom cake is growing.. How will this influence its growth?

purple stanky

New Member
i wouldnt do it. thats just my two cents.
but i dont know how it would effect the growth.
kind of a ridiculous question dont you think?
why would you do that?


New Member
it would make the inside of the terrarium to hot for optimal pinning. plus if your to use a light you would want 6500k. also fire gives off CO2 and CO so that will be really bad for your mushies.


Why should we experiment, explore space? Or collide atoms? "Why would you do that?" Because there could be a more efficient/beneficial way of doing things. Why wouldn't you look for other ways to promote growth? Dont you think?


New Member
Why should we experiment, explore space? Or collide atoms? "Why would you do that?" Because there could be a more efficient/beneficial way of doing things. Why wouldn't you look for other ways to promote growth? Dont you think?

read my post, take it for what its worth


Well-Known Member
first the candle lit????...if oxygen for fruiting and temp too high...mushrooms like FAE...if no...pointless go into space and let us know how the fire was...hope ya have insurance...* no gun pointed to head icon *


Well-Known Member
Why should we experiment, explore space? Or collide atoms? "Why would you do that?" Because there could be a more efficient/beneficial way of doing things. Why wouldn't you look for other ways to promote growth? Dont you think?
A good experiment is just used to prove disprove an even better scientific theoretical position, it is not just throwing shit together and looking at what happens after.