Can I harvest getting too impatient?


Active Member
73 days jack herer auto .....

Bit too much on the nitrogen started flushing over a week ago and some leaves are already starting to lighten.....

That said its going to take at least a other few weeks of that and I reckon buds are ready

Lower buds still have some white pistils but Trichomes are milky / half clear

Cola Trichomes are milky amber



Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure you can pull em from now no worries, perfect time imo, on to a week or 2 comfortably if you wanted to mate. They look nice


Well-Known Member
Looks just about there to me. Once those brown hairs start shrinking back into the bud the girls are pretty ripe. No foul if you are anxious but could also wait a week to see if they swell anymore, wouldn’t hurt your buds


Well-Known Member
Too many white pistils
Too heavy handed with nitro ( excess nitro can impact formation of buds / smaller )
Autos need as long as they need - they don’t follow breeder estimates
Breeders lie ( their estimates are based under OPTIMAL conditions ) usually from strain testing and or marketing bullshit.
Pistils will color off and recede into bud … calyx areas scoped not leaf.

Add 2 weeks / same light cycle / “ bloom “ only nute ( low N ) , possible water only for a week to cut that nitro buildup ( plant will exhaust some. ) Plant isn’t making new leaf and branches so excess is not needed. Nitrogen in later bloom stages supplement photosynthesis and leaf cell health / pigment, but overpowers flower development at times.


Well-Known Member
73 days jack herer auto .....

Bit too much on the nitrogen started flushing over a week ago and some leaves are already starting to lighten.....

That said its going to take at least a other few weeks of that and I reckon buds are ready

Lower buds still have some white pistils but Trichomes are milky / half clear

Cola Trichomes are milky amber
Needs more time from the looks of it. I'd wait a week or two and see how she swells. Make sure to keep caring for her and don't let her get too dry, they tend to get thirsty late game.