can i harvest if the lights have been on for several hours?


Well-Known Member
I read that its best to chop after the night cycle, how important is that?

My plant is ready, and i just had my evening free up and i owuld like to chop it tonight, but not if it will compromise the quality of my plant.

so the lights would have been on for like 10 hours if i chopped.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to harvest in the morning as the sun is coming up, but don't personally believe that you would see too much difference. Seems that everyone has their own way they like to do it that way for various reasons. I believe that once you dry and properly cure your baby you won't be able to tell what part of the light cycle you harvested. Happy Growing

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you, but its supposed to be a better smoke if cut once the lights have been off for a while - something to do with the sugars and starches which shoot up the stem as soon as light comes oin which can apparently make the drying/curing a longer process...

Its not crucial though...