Can i have to many Lumens?


Thanks for any help I can get ....... Right now I have a 5 x5 x6.7 ...I have one 600 watt hps cool tube on mover. I also am looking into 2 new. VHO air cold 8 bulb units makeing 57600 lumens each. So with the 2 new lights I would be at 115200....if I add the 600 watt hps I have a total of 205,200 lumens. Now I have 10 sqft so div 10 into 205,200 =20,520 Per sqft ... is this going to be to much light? The new light 6 inch cold air..... any help would be great...


Well-Known Member
Yes you can have to much light, to see examples simply google light bleaching

most folks will say the sun is 10,000 lumens per sq ft, this is true only at the equator at noon and at no other time or place

plants will do really well with 6000 to 8000 lumens of the proper spectrum

it is the PAR of the lights that truely matters