Can I leave my Nuterient Water in my Sprayer if I Dont Use it All?

The title pretty much sums it up I'll be growing in a very small tent for the time being with only one plant; was curious if I can leave the left over water that I dont use, at another feeding interval?


Well-Known Member
The title pretty much sums it up I'll be growing in a very small tent for the time being with only one plant; was curious if I can leave the left over water that I dont use, at another feeding interval?
I usually only kept mine for a couple days at the most, shaking it up every morning because the nutrients just sink to the bottom. Pre mixed nutrients typically shouldn’t be left unused for too long.
I usually only kept mine for a couple days at the most, shaking it up every morning because the nutrients just sink to the bottom. Pre mixed nutrients typically shouldn’t be left unused for too long.
Thank you, I had a conversation with someone else late in the afternoon say that it essentially with degrade and then become hateful if not allowed to be aeratored.