Can I make a contained drip system with just a plastic tub?


Active Member
I currently grow DWC and am looking to switch to drip irrigation. I'm looking to reuse as much of my current components as possible.

I'm looking to use one of these. My plan is to use 2 grow blocks places on the lid. Drill a hole on the lid to drain back into the res.

Inside there will be an airstone to mix the solution, a sump pump to feed the drip stakes with a filter integrated into the tube. And then a small submersible pump to drain the res for res changes.


Is there anything I'm missing? I feel like it would work.
I recently switched from a drip system to sips. I think your idea will work but you may be setting yourself up for potential issues. Once the plants are big they will not be easy to move, if you keep them smaller it may not be a problem. I would recommend running sterile and making sure no slime starts, otherwise you’ll have to take the whole thing apart to clean it. I would also consider using a sock or sleeve type filter over the pump inside the res rather than an inline filter, but an inline may be easier to clean without getting into the res, just make sure to check it often. I would also consider putting the air stone on a timer to run for a few minutes before the drip irrigation pump. I had issues with the air stones in my res and removed them, they are needed in DWC but not in a drip system. Good luck and happy growing.
Follow captain style for this build, drill a hole with netpot for res access, no need for air stone imo the run off breaks surface tension and the pump stirs it
Just use the tub as a deep water system. Or run dips at first. Then when roots are long fill it up more and switch to deep water..
No thanks, that'll be a real biotch to actually clean the res once the plants get growing.
DTW drip with the blocks.
Try the Alaskan grow bucket.. they have a pdf to make them.

It's a version of SIP, no moving parts, multiple buckets, rez to feed.