Can I Prune My Buds And Not Hurt My Girls?


I have 9 female indicas that are all in about 4 weeks of budding. Most buds are the size of my thumb nail. Money is tight right now and I need some smoke. Can I Prune some of these small buds and dry em out without damaging the plants. And if so, is there some special rules to follow? Thanks


Active Member
just be patient bruv it will b worth it in the end u start taking buds of there now it might stress them then out
u will fuck it all up and secondly its not even ripe yet or flushed so it will proberly just taste like wet grass
trust me just wait


Well-Known Member
LOL i'm in the same boat and am going to do it today,i'm just gonna take off the small bud's that are not getting any light,i got a scalpel,nice end sharp and am just gonna knick them off,i hope it works,
i badly need a smoke!!!!


Well-Known Member
you can do it. i certainly dont recomend it at 4wks though, there will be very little THC in the buds if any. the .5 gram buds you cut now could be 14 gram buds in 4-5wks.


Well-Known Member
SlikWiLL13,i'm on week 6 now,i have lot's of stragelly little bds further down along the branches of my plant's,
one fell off last night and i smoked it and it got me mellow,not stoned but relaxed,do you think it would be ok
for me to trim the rest of them off????


Well-Known Member
SlikWiLL13,i'm on week 6 now,i have lot's of stragelly little bds further down along the branches of my plant's,
one fell off last night and i smoked it and it got me mellow,not stoned but relaxed,do you think it would be ok
for me to trim the rest of them off????
there will be little negative effects on your plant, actually after a couple days of healing it will divert the energy that was going to those fluff nugs to the better upper flowers. it will set you harvest back a couple days due to the healing, but my honest opinion is doing this is better than going out and paying retail for weed to smoke.

only cut off what you have to to get by as it is better to just leave them alone.