Can I spray Neem Oil while in Flowering?

The Potologist

Active Member
Hello again fellow Outdoor Cultivators:blsmoke:
I am just wondering if it is safe to spray Neem Oil/Dish Soap on outdoor plants that are in flowering?

I see some minor isolated cases of Spider Mites, nothing to really worry about at the moment, however I thought I would just give a spray and I am sure that will take care of them. However, I am not so sure that is safe considering all of my girls are budded right up....idk...dont really want the problem to get to outta hand especially when I have some girls that got an easy month left to grow yet.

What do you think? I've already removed the infected fan leaves from the tree that had the little outbreak. Thanks for any help or considerations. Happy Bongs to youbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt if you are only using it as a preventative. but if you have insect or mold problems id rather have shitty tasting weed that gets me high over weed infeseted with mold and spider mites.


Active Member
I am in the same situation now. Currently I am using a strong dish soap and water only solution to spray the girls. I try not to soak the buds but drench leaves. I let the solution soak for 30 minutes max and with a hose mister attachment I rinse the girls off. A mister attachment is best as it will do minimal damage to trichomes.

I have been doing this for the past 2 weeks (once a day) and they seem to be gone. I still check them everyday though as I know they are there somewhere just not as prevalent as before. Good luck!! :cool: