Can i stll grow outdoors this late in the seson?


Active Member
Fuck thats all i got to say right now.. I just got back from checkin on my plant and all the fucking leaves are drooping down really bad like its dieing but the stem is good....Idk im so fuckin pissed off they were flowering to idk anymore..........i need help idk if i can start growin right now because its going to get cold soon so is their anyway or no???


Sector 5 Moderator
From what I understand, they do really well down into the 40's. They grow some really good shit in Alaska and down in BC. Ever heard of the strain Matnuska Thunderfuck? I heard that the cooler temps mean more resin; don't know for sure if it's true tho.


Well-Known Member
hey man put your efforts in to your current girl. shes dropping? how bad? shes not dead yet right.