can i take a clone once flowering begins


Well-Known Member
can i take a clone once my plant has begun flowering, its two weeks into flowering and im wondering if i can take a clone? thanks


Well-Known Member
yup, just put it back in veg and it will re-veg itself. it'll look really weird while its reveging so dont worry if it looks like a mutant plant for a couple weeks lol.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If its flowering you will have to give it 24 hours light till re-veg! You can tell when it goes back to 3-5 leaves in new growth cycle.


Well-Known Member
what do you men 3-5 leafs like it grows leafs with 3 spikes then leafs with 5 spikes?
or when it grows 3-5 leafs


Active Member
I'am trying this now with Kalichakra,they r 35 days n flower. I was reading on another site and in his thread he states,take cutting @ 21 day flower or later 21 being prime. He said they were little faster to root and heavy branching. His pic's spoke volumes. I have re-vegg before and the growth is as stated above freak leaf growth but work's it's way out.

