Can i transfer clones from soil to rockwool cubes???


I cant believe that i didnt think this through! Ive always started with my own seedlings and/or cuttings in rockwool plugs which are no problem to transfer. Recently, i scored a handful of some nice Blackberry Kush babies and they are ready to move to my flower room, but they are in soil!

I do ebb & flow so im wondering if im better off just commiting one of my trays to these guys and doing them in soil. Ive heard about rinsing soil out to expose roots then transfering but that seems pretty stressful on them i would think.

Any suggestions please? Thanks everyone!
Soak the roots in a bucket of room temp water to rinse the soil away. Then place the root ball at the bottom of a net pot and fill in with loose rock wool or hydroton. It might take a little bit for the roots to get used to the hydro system. I had to do this with my clones before putting them in my DWC and my girls are doing great!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
From experience, treat the rootball as if you're transplanting. Wash away what soil that comes off easily, don't get vigorous or you might hurt your girl, and use something like No-Shock.
I just finished 2 purple kush that I moved from 6in pots into 10in net pots, worked just fine.

Btw, my preference is hydroton over rockwool.

Good luck