Can I transplant seedlings from soil to rockwool?


I was wondering if anyone has had any success with this. I have some seedlings I have planted in soil and they are growing soooooooo slow. I want to transplant them to rockwool and convert them to hydro. They are only 2 weeks old. What do you guys think? The seeds were kind of expensive.

Also, Once you do have the seeds growing in the rockwool do you just put a light on those for 18 hours and keep them wet?


Well-Known Member
it would not work, you have know way of putting the roots in the rockwool, and even if you did get it to stay alive the plant would be stressed and REALY never grow, very stunted. hope it helped. I moved a seedling from rockwool to soil a few weeks ago and it lived but stayed the same size and never grew one little bit.


Thats sucks because I transplanted last night lol. O well, live and learn I guess. These plants were growing so slow in my sunshine mix. Hydro really is the way to go. The plants I had growing in hydrow grey a foot in a week. These plants in the soil sprouted and stayed the same size for 1.5 weeks.