Can I trim off lower buds during flowering without stunting my plant?

I have roughly a month or so to go max, but there's a few smaller buds near the bottom of my plant that I dont think will fill in by the time the rest are done. If I take these smaller buds off now, ( like 4 small buds sites maybe in total) will it hurt my plant, or will it just start fattening up the other buds that are left like I'm hoping? Id like for the stalks to all fill in as one potential bud if possible, (it's pretty close now ) any thoughts or previous experiences in this?
So if I cut them off, it won't slow anything down? I can do them in pairs if it's less stress or should I just rip the band aid off and do it all at once
Maybe your luck will be better than mine. I defoliated one plant last year and it got stunted. I was very glad I didn't have time to do all of them. I guess a little stunting is no big deal for a hobbyist grow.
I was just curious if it would make a difference. This is technicalally my first true grow. Trying to pick up as many ideas or tips that I can to use for future references yanno?

Trying to swing that learning curve in my favor anyway possible lol
I was just curious if it would make a difference. This is technicalally my first true grow. Trying to pick up as many ideas or tips that I can to use for future references yanno?

Trying to swing that learning curve in my favor anyway possible lol
The best way to swing the learning curve in your direction is finish your 1st plant before trying any other techniques.

See it from start to finish 1st.

Next plant make some adjustments
I finished one last year, but I didn't try to grow it. Just sprouted in my yard one day... so I just watered it and took in what I could see happening lol. I don't count that, it was babysitting, not parenting.

I currently have and indica and a saliva (both unknown typed late in flower now. One I FIMd, and LSTd the other I topped 2 or 3 times and am letting do its own thing

So far I'm pleased with everything... this was my experimental run and after figuring out a few hiccups in the beginning, I'm pretty sure I have the essential basics at least now. Lmk what you think.
