can I trust Nirvana Shop?


I am New to growing and need to know if i can trust nirvana shop. they have an option where you can pay with cash which i prefer but it seems sketchy. does anyone have any experiences they could tell me about so i wont be so paranoid. also if anyone has some advice for which kind of seeds i should get that would be cool to. i plan on growing indoor with a hydroponic system. please help. thanks.


Well-Known Member
dudes ha!! i got my new ww already and just were sent out last week bitches!!!:mrgreen: this is the bomb place my second order and came in 7 fucking days both of them! thanks to the ammazing support at WWMS. i dont wanna see anymore threads about this, this is the place to get your seeds if you want perfection end of story,
World Wide Marijuana Seeds


Well-Known Member
Yeah worldwidemarijuanaseeds hooked me up too, and they carry Nirvana.

yea, im not really to into the nirvana anymore but yea they have every seeds type available from every seed bank i got my ww from greenhouse bank from worldwidemarijuanaseed shop, they are supposed to be one of the best and they have a video for each one of thier strains growing start to finish.


shawarma king
dudes ha!! i got my new ww already and just were sent out last week bitches!!!:mrgreen: this is the bomb place my second order and came in 7 fucking days both of them! thanks to the ammazing support at WWMS. i dont wanna see anymore threads about this, this is the place to get your seeds if you want perfection end of story,
World Wide Marijuana Seeds
yeah, and I'd like to stop seeing threads touting specific seed banks...


Well-Known Member
yeah, and I'd like to stop seeing threads touting specific seed banks...

why is that chewy? dont you like that we have found a very legit and quick ship location for our seeds? and now we dont have to get ripped off by the other supposedly legit seeds banks who say "we never got your money" or get our shipments caught by customs like they have been and put us out for hundreds of dollars? one guy ordered from nirvana twice and customs stopped the shipment twice and then came and knocked on his door!! this is why we have these forums to help each other out and prevent people from ripping us off,

im not sure i get why you dont want us the customers rating these seed banks and finding out the good ones verses the inadequate ones. as for me I take great pleasure at informing my fellow riu members of information that will benifit them.


shawarma king
why is that chewy? dont you like that we have found a very legit and quick ship location for our seeds? and now we dont have to get ripped off by the other supposedly legit seeds banks who say "we never got your money" or get our shipments caught by customs like they have been and put us out for hundreds of dollars? one guy ordered from nirvana twice and customs stopped the shipment twice and then came and knocked on his door!! this is why we have these forums to help each other out and prevent people from ripping us off,

im not sure i get why you dont want us the customers rating these seed banks and finding out the good ones verses the inadequate ones. as for me I take great pleasure at informing my fellow riu members of information that will benifit them.
you understand that you are only a random face on a forum. in my opinion a post detailing how not to order seeds is helpful, posts touting specific seed banks are not -- just an opinion of course.

its like this, i could just as easily assume you worked for your favorite seed bank as i could imagine you were a satisfied customer of theirs...its the internet, i'm going to be like that. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you understand that you are only a random face on a forum. in my opinion a post detailing how not to order seeds is helpful, posts touting specific seed banks are not -- just an opinion of course.

its like this, i could just as easily assume you worked for your favorite seed bank as i could imagine you were a satisfied customer of theirs...its the internet, i'm going to be like that. :mrgreen:

oh i see your point and its valid, but i already had made it clear that your fears are unfounded as I have posted a link of others like me whom have ordered and all have the same response to the service as me. so fear not we have all done our home work

if you scroll up i included this in my post


Well-Known Member
I ordered from nirvana through seedboutique and they came fine and they also through in some durban poison. I ordered from and they came in super fast time as well. Both were ordered with cash...thats the only way to go. That or money orders. DO NOT use credit cards or checks. No paper trails people. But back to the topic at hand, nirvana seeds are amazing whether you order them from nirvana or some other seed bank. You cant go wrong. Check out to see what seed banks are reputable and which ones have been reported. Nirvana is great whoever made this thread, go with nirvana.


Well-Known Member
dude im sorry but if you want i will pull up a thread of a guy who ordered nivana once and it got caught by customs, so he foolishly ordered again and customs stopped it again, then a few days later a local customs agent and narcotics officor came knocking on his door while his grow was operating, luckly this guy was smart and refused to allow them to search his home when they asked. that started tailing him but not before he got rid of all his op, so dude if you wanna risk your freedom go ahaead but I would never ever ever buy from them again after hearing that. ill find the thread and post it in my next post so you can see,.

and as far as sending cash or money orders I also can post you threads of peeps who sent thier money and never got thier stuff i dont know if emplyees over there are stealing it or what but ill dig up that thread too

worldwide marijuana seeds lets u use a credit card which has no conection to the seeds site, you order then they send you a separate emailed invoice for paypal which has no connection to seed purchase therefore you pay instanly and within a 7 - 12 days of order you got your seeds.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that's 90% dependant on whether customs has the resources and will to screen everything, and also factors heavily on local laws and enforcement. If you're in a city like Denver or Seattle where they don't really care anyway, you're going to be fine. Shipping 10 seeds to bumfuck Nebraska where the local Prosecutor has made a name for himself by busting smokers is iffy. EVERY seedbank has had packages intercepted, and the guy who posted that would've probably got busted regardless of where he ordered from. I mean seriously, do you think it's that hard for the DEA or customs to do a google search or go through forums and figure out where people buy from?


Well-Known Member
Dude, that's 90% dependant on whether customs has the resources and will to screen everything, and also factors heavily on local laws and enforcement. If you're in a city like Denver or Seattle where they don't really care anyway, you're going to be fine. Shipping 10 seeds to bumfuck Nebraska where the local Prosecutor has made a name for himself by busting smokers is iffy. EVERY seedbank has had packages intercepted, and the guy who posted that would've probably got busted regardless of where he ordered from. I mean seriously, do you think it's that hard for the DEA or customs to do a google search or go through forums and figure out where people buy from?

well they get intersepted cuz thier origin is amsterdam, WWMS is not in amsterdam they are localed in UK I think, where seeds are legal but customs does not bother with it like they do amsterdam

anyway its all good no one is forcing you to listen to me, just posting the info for those who wanna read it


Well-Known Member
Ok pandabear. I guess you are right. I guess since you are posting a few bad reviews and none of the thousands and thousands of good reviews you are right. I bet you are one of those people who think 9/11 was an inside job and jfk wasnt killed by one person. I guess since you dont like nirvan then no one should? All i can tell you is me and my friend ordered 2 different days and they both came perfectly fine man. You cant base how good a company is on a few bad reviews. I bet the place you got yours from has been stopped a few times too. will tell you guys any and everything you need to know and yes nirvana is one of the better ones. I forget who even asked the original question but yes nirvana is very good whether you order from or from another seed bank. As with ANY and ALL seed banks you run the risk of customs stopping them. And money or money order is the best way to go no matter what pandabear says. Would you rather have a paper trail or not? Pandabear how about you put as much time and effort into finding some good reviews as you did bad reviews. Seems like you found like 10 maybe, i bet i could find more good reviews. Come on man, you cant honestly think cause a few people got bust that everyone will. Im sure your god like seed bank has had some bad reviews too. Just cause you got yours doesnt mean everyone will. And whether they come from amsterdam or not doesnt matter dude. Customs is just as likely to check stuff from UK as they are Amsterdam you idiot.


Well-Known Member
I think the country of origin definitely makes a difference. They have thousands of packages to screen, i'm sure they have some kind of profiling that they do, to help them screen the packages that are more likely to have contraband. That doesn't mean they screen every Amsterdam package, they just probably scrutinize them more, like a package going to DC from Pakistan.

I ordered from WWMS as well, and received my seeds yesterday. I have also ordered from Nirvana months ago before the recent customs issues, and received those seeds fine too - only Nirvana took twice as long and wasn't as stealth as they say it is. I feel a hell of a lot more comfortable buying from WWMS now, especially since he photographs them before shipping, and is available on messenger to answer any questions, or just shoot the shit.


Active Member
Well im glad. I might try them next time. Sounds good. All i know is nirvana worked fine and is very affordable. Also he answers my question very very fast through email. Later guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok pandabear. I guess you are right. I guess since you are posting a few bad reviews and none of the thousands and thousands of good reviews you are right. I bet you are one of those people who think 9/11 was an inside job and jfk wasnt killed by one person. I guess since you dont like nirvan then no one should? All i can tell you is me and my friend ordered 2 different days and they both came perfectly fine man. You cant base how good a company is on a few bad reviews. I bet the place you got yours from has been stopped a few times too. will tell you guys any and everything you need to know and yes nirvana is one of the better ones. I forget who even asked the original question but yes nirvana is very good whether you order from or from another seed bank. As with ANY and ALL seed banks you run the risk of customs stopping them. And money or money order is the best way to go no matter what pandabear says. Would you rather have a paper trail or not? Pandabear how about you put as much time and effort into finding some good reviews as you did bad reviews. Seems like you found like 10 maybe, i bet i could find more good reviews. Come on man, you cant honestly think cause a few people got bust that everyone will. Im sure your god like seed bank has had some bad reviews too. Just cause you got yours doesnt mean everyone will. And whether they come from amsterdam or not doesnt matter dude. Customs is just as likely to check stuff from UK as they are Amsterdam you idiot.
WOW, didnt have your happy pill this morning aye? I think all pandabear is saying is that he likes that site and doesnt trust Nirvana; so what, where is the problem with that? I too have heard of Nirvana being caught ALOT lately crossing the border. Doesn't mean they are a shitty company, they just have a shitty packaging setup.


Well-Known Member
F4 man firstly im a republican and i think 9/11 was cuased by some ignorent bitches and i am glad we are spending my tax dollars to kill them all left right and sideways.

You may also be surprised to here that my first purchase of seeds was from nirvana and I recieved my order fine and well. I think it took like 3 weeks.

here is my personal review:

1) I can get nirvana seeds in 6 days from WWMS for the same price. now lets compare 21 days verses 6 - 7 days

now just this alone is a great reason for me someone who has tryed them both to go with WWMS.

on top of this WWMS does only get the seeds to my doorset within 6 - 7 days but they also have other much better lines of seeds on top of the full line of Nirvana seeds they carry.

I was just trying to tell people this and I know they want to know this information because there has been "some" problems with nirvana getting caught shipments. As of yet and I know this is a new company but as of yet everyone who has ordered from WWMS has recieved thier seeds that I have seen on here. so its just the logical choice for now. i see no negatives as of yet, pls let me know if you find some as that would be important information for us to have,