Can I use 3 different male pollens to get one seed with them all in it ?


Active Member
I did an auto run and ended up with 3 males (white dwarf-santa-speedy gonzales) i have pollen from them all but if I mixed those all together then pollinated would they all go into the one seed/seeds ?


Well-Known Member
Can 3 males all be the biological father of one child? That may be debatable on some parts of the globe, but not here.

You could do grafts, then maybe get pollen from a grafted plant, but not sure how that works either.


Active Member
the only way this could happen is if one male fertilizes one female, thus giving a female offspring for the second male pollen, and so on...


Active Member
no pollen grain + one female flower = 1 seed

Half of the DNA comes from one parent, the other half from the other. The only way I know of to make you plant have more DNA than it should is by mutating it with colchicine.

...i think Barrelhse might have a point..


Active Member
You've already got the answer but again no u cant get 3 males to pollinate 1 female. Only 1 male per female :)


Active Member
i seen multiple males polinating the same female but no it wont make some sort of superstrain just a bunch of different seeds


Well-Known Member
Let me explain a bit,
each hair you know the white things they are called pistils.
They grow out of a lil pod thingy called a calyx.
One grain of pollen from any male hits a pistil and then a seed grows in the calyx.
Each female plant will have hundreds of pistils each capable of being polinated by a differant male.
Like the female plant has a thousand vaginas and could have a thousand diff babiesdaddy.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
That's true but I think the original question was how to get all three strains into one plant. The only way to do that is like what was posted earlier, hit a female with one type of pollen, collect up the seeds, grow them out, hit this F1 with another male, collect the seeds, grow these F1s and hit it with the third pollen, now you will have all three genetics in a new batch of F1s.

This is an extremely simplified explanation. If you're serious read the breeding threads on RIU. you will have to spend a few grows just to find the genetics you want from the first crossing, then all that times 3.

Good luck though. It's a lofty goal but not unobtainable.