Can I use Botanicare nutrients with Sensi Grow from Advanced?


New Member
I am starting a new hydroponic project and have invested a lot into the start up. The problem is that I can't afford more supplies at this time and need help figuring out how to make it work with what I have. I have Sensi Grow A&B from advanced nutrients and nothing else from them. I used the entire Botanicare nutrient line on my last project and still have the nutrients available. So how would I use Sensi Grow with my Botanicare nutrients? I currently have Liquid Karma, Aquashield, Silica Blast, Hydroplex, and a whole lot of Sweet.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. I use a mixed of nute brands as a mix and match. I use Botanicare, GH,GO, Humbolt Nutrients and Cyco.


New Member
awesome. thanks! i have been trying it out but keeping the nutes low because i wasn't sure. seems to be working.