Can I Use Fizzy Water On My Plants?

Madden NFL

Active Member
Carbonated? I just read that.. Don't water the soil. Spray it on the leaf's xD. Because the roots want o2 not co2


Well-Known Member
interesting question man. i personally don't think it'll do anything bad, but i honestly have no idea. i'd be very interested to find out though. if you end up watering let us know what happens..


Well-Known Member
In veg it would be fine but I wouldn't spray anything on buds in flower. Damp buds mold easily. Seems like a waste of time because any co2 from the water would just disipate in seconds not leading to any meaningful increase in ambient co2. You would be better off just breathing on them. The co2 would last just about as long.
If you have good airflow you don't need to worry about co2 at all....