Can I use these?


Active Member
These are the only 2 nutes I have. Can I use these as a 2 part grow in ffof soil and maybe throw some supplements in with it? I jjst figured not because theyre for hydro


Well-Known Member
You can, maybe pick up the calmag too.
I use it all the time in soil
Its more expensive than salts or a million other products but I don't care
I like the result.

cookie master

Well-Known Member
those work great in soil, they dont work well in hydro. Its very thick and separates so use a stick to stir the bottle and shake the heck out of it. Go light on the recommended amounts and do a long flush.

cookie master

Well-Known Member
10 days. yose nutes arent pure organic, I heard that those nutse actually have soil or something in it and thats why its sludgy, its chem nutes tho.