can it grow healthy without a PPM? or is that highly needed?


Well-Known Member
ok i have just about everything for the grow but a PPM

this will be my first attempt at this and was wondering if it can be done without a PPM and how would i go about without using a PPM


Well-Known Member
Its easier to know know your nutrient strength with a ppm. It isnt completely needed. Some people can feed by eye...looking at the plant and determining its needs.

If you're new to hydro...a meter is always suggested. Not mandatory....but it can save you lots of time/plants/nutrients.


New Member
Im in the same situation, and im using Canna nutrients, well from what i read, the contents of the bottle have been produced to maintain stability ie. Ph stabilizers, and nutrient strenght can only decrease so really if you begin with the correct strength you can't go wrong?


Well-Known Member
Im in the same situation, and im using Canna nutrients, well from what i read, the contents of the bottle have been produced to maintain stability ie. Ph stabilizers, and nutrient strenght can only decrease so really if you begin with the correct strength you can't go wrong?
Not familiar with that particular line....But I wouldnt go that route if I were you. Get/use a meter for now.

While you're at it....get a ph meter too.

They'll put anything on the bottle that they thinnk will help sales.....Making it seem foolproof is one of the tactics they use. But again....Ive never used Canna nutes.


New Member
my temperature is 29 degrees celsius? is that too hot.... shouldnt be should it? i know i read lots about optimum temps and humidity but the sun ie. the correct lighting and water are the main desires of a growing plant?


Well-Known Member
my temperature is 29 degrees celsius? is that too hot.... shouldnt be should it? i know i read lots about optimum temps and humidity but the sun ie. the correct lighting and water are the main desires of a growing plant?
Check the other thread you made asking that.


New Member
so i prefer to get an individuals perspective... what way do you grow? optimum temp? and am i right in saying you only feed water for the first two weeks?