Can my girls be brought back?


Well-Known Member
All are Chemdawg clones expect the seedling which is Bubba Kush i germinated and planted. This is my first grow and I'm pretty sure they're severely dehydrated. I had been spraying them once every 2 days since i brought them from outside and put them in my makeshift grow box. Temps in grow box are around 80-84 degrees usually with a room temp of 74. The box is heavily vented so i believe the high temps is due to direct light to the thermometer. What can be done? I saturated all the plants soil with water today upon discovery of this and now am waiting on further results. The worst plants have a crispy feel which i read means they arent gonna come back. What u guys think?


Well-Known Member
Your wrong heat is probably higher! way to high for plant's....even bathed in Co2.....exhaust the box, with fan until with light's it's low 70's and start again don't be upset there is a learning curve for all of us. It get' easier! Keep smiling find a few clone's or seed's bag seed's ??? just don't give up!! perservere and it will pay! Wishing you the best!! time put soil to within an inch of the top of the cup's cut slit's in bottom and when you water water until it run's freely from bootom as this will pull oxygen down to the roots! use mycorrihazze a root fungus benificial to the plant (Cheap)..and don't have light too close good luck soon you'l have these! You wait don't quit!!View attachment 2215348T5's home depot 14 lamp 14 watt +2 200cfl's.jpgView attachment 2215350View attachment 2215351


Well-Known Member
Man how is this possible?! They were completely fine two days ago then i check on them today and there gone :(
Because you didnt keep an eye on them. When you have plants in a very small amount of soil as you have, you have to keep the water up to them especially seedlings. They are dead from underwatering and as bad as ive ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad. I baked some once in a humidity dome. I put it on a table outside that I thought was in the shade. A few hours later they looked like yours. There is the slimmest chance that they might make a comeback if they have established roots, but I doubt it. Definitely looks like heat stress.