Can my plants be sterile?! pics


Hey guys ive got two plants im growing from bagseed and their about 6wks old and have been flowering for 10 days and there are no hairs or ball sacks anywhere. When i germed the seeds they weren't in a very warm setting 50-65F. I know seeds that get really cold can be sterilized but that shouldn't it hurt anything, right? :sad:

Sorry the pics suck, phone camera



Active Member
The plants look pretty small for 6 weeks. Mine were close to 20" tall at that age. It's possible they just aren't mature enough to flower, or that you've got too much light leaking into the grow area during the night cycle.
aree you sure you didnt mean 2 weeks? lol cause it looks really small for that age, maybe you should put it back under a veg cycle for a few weeks


Active Member
Yeah, I went back and checked my pictures. Those are definitely stunted if they're 6 weeks old. Here's a picture of my box at 4 weeks from germination (forgive me for the badly stunted plants, I didn't have time to cover the walls with mylar and they got shaded badly).

