Can Mycelium spread from fabric pot to bud?


Well-Known Member
On my second full cycle grow, but am growing in coco/perlite now and carried over the tactic of Mycorrhizae when transplanting.

Just only realized it does not go hand in hand with coco and literally makes no sense to, there is nothing to feed off of for longer than 24 or 12 hours in flower and plants seem to do fine pulling up their own nutes.

Mycelium reached the walls of the fabric pot and is fuzzy everywhere. I know how to kill it, peroxide. Is this too late? Arethere spores everywhere already, or am I ok? I just read some forums on bud rot and just started flower and wonder if I did not remove Mycelium, would they spread to buds later?

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Well-Known Member
Different kind of mycelium
I just added a photo to the post, looks like salt but it really is fuzzy like what seedlings grow and Mycorrhizae. But if that is true and not a threat that would be awesome. Still don’t see why they need Mycorrhizae in coco. Only finding people saying it doesn’t go hand in hand.


Well-Known Member
I just added a photo to the post, looks like salt but it really is fuzzy like what seedlings grow and Mycorrhizae. But if that is true and not a threat that would be awesome. Still don’t see why they need Mycorrhizae in coco. Only finding people saying it doesn’t go hand in hand.
There are many different types of fungi. The kinds that live in/around plant roots (or in soil in general) do not cause bud rot.