Can Plants Go Without Watering During First Two Weeks of Life?


I currently have two options in my summer guerilla grow. I am currently at University until June 11th, until I go home for the summer I am unable to start my grow. I may go home for memorial day weekend however. If I was to start germinating my seeds 2 or so days before going home would I be able to then place the germinated seeds directly in the ground where they will be growing? I won't be able to take care of them, or water for them for two weeks afterwards until I come home though on June 11.

The location is outside, in a forest clearing on a south slope. It has a very good view of the sky. It is about 100 steps away from a spring fed creek at the bottom of the valley, however, I doubt that would provide much moisture. I would be digging fairly large plots and adding perlite, vermiculite and miracle gro potting soil. I would probably do something like 50% natural soil (it is clay based, but seems fairly nutritious as this place has lots of green vegetation and huge trees), 25% miracle gro potting soil, and 25% perlite/vermiculite.

Assuming the ground was saturated with water before hand would the plants have a chance? Or would being outdoors, with direct sunlight, without manual watering for two weeks surely kill them? There of course could be rain, which would provide the plants with some moisture, although if it rains hard it surely could kill the plants as well. My other alternative is too wait until June 11th and plant them then. Getting a two week head start would be awesome if possible though.

Thanks for reading and any thoughtful advice is welcome.


Well-Known Member
You will have a good chance if you have a wet week..pray for rain for those 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It can most defently work. First pre germ the seed, then use a lot of Perlite. Wait for a week where their is a good chance of rain in the forcast...u should be good


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, i went 2 weeks without watering after transplanting some seedlings. I was going to wait about a month for first water but rodents ate

The most important thingis to keep the water in the ground using alot of mulch, plasic tarps hold the most water in the ground but any mulch works good .
The next thing is to deep water em by using a stake to make some holes around your plant a foot or 2 deep. Pull the stakes out to water the ground an the water will go much deeper water the roots better an last alot longer.
Im using Miracal Moisture controll, an zeba starch based water absorbing polymers, to help also. But most of my water savings is in the mulch.

You could do a dry run an see if im right. Till a little spot , water it deep,cover it with trash bag, check it in 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
If these are bag seed, try everything mentioned, and hope for the best.

I've seen seedlings survive some tough situations, but two weeks without watering/attention is pushing it.

I just wouldn't put expensive seed in that situation.

BTW, starting your seeds on the later date will still get you a good yield.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
I personally wouldn't add perlite or vermiculite.

They draw the eye, and aren't really necessary in an outdoor situation.

Go 50/50 potting mix/native soil.

Your worms and plants will thank you.

Make your holes wide and shallow.

A minimum of three feet wide and one foot deep.

Good luck!