Can Seeds in my Bud Pollinate Other Plants?


Well-Known Member
i went out to my crop today and i spotted a couple seeds
i was wondering if theree is anyway that plant can pollinate the others around it


Well-Known Member
The plant that pollinated that plant will pollinate any others around.

Or if it pollinated itself (hermie) it will pollinate others as well.


Well-Known Member
there was two plants that i just cut down in the room and they turned hermie they had the yellow flowers on them

so for the plant that has seeds in it the only way that it could pollinate any other plants is if it has pollen sacks/flowers right?


Well-Known Member
so for the plant that has seeds in it the only way that it could pollinate any other plants is if it has pollen sacks/flowers right?
Yes, that's right. It either pollinated itself, and will likely continue to pollinate or it was pollinated by one of the ones you already chopped.

Does this answer your question?


Well-Known Member
so what do u think i should do im 5 weeks into flowering (12 week plant) the plant is super healthy/stinky
should i cut it down early
keep checking to see if it grows any pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
Intrestingly if one plant pollinated another plant preferbally of different species you would probably be creating a new and intresting species and if female guarenteed feminised seeds. Of these seeds let only the strongest make it and you will more than likely get some dam fine bud, albeit a little bit different to each other i find that the genetics of marijuana are favourable and normally yield good strong bud from most seeds with most size and some other charecteristics down to the grow and grower. Dosen't hurt to make your own seeds now and again. Your plants don't sound particuarly like heraphrodite plants and i witness a few bannanas on a few plants now and again, sometimes more somtimes less and i grow with feminised but i attribute most male pollen sacs on female dominant plants to be down to stress in some parts of its life and especially in the flowering room not hermie plants or dna. I cant be sure for your situation though just the majority of times it seems like this. Seeds in the bud dosen't mean you won't get good bud so no reason to chop plants if you can get away with just pinchinh the pollen sacs off instead. We all smoked weed with bud seed in at some point of our lives, wasn't that bad for me.

The answer to the question:

so for the plant that has seeds in it the only way that it could pollinate any other plants is if it has pollen sacks/flowers right?
Is yes the only way the plant (or any other plant) could ever polinate any other plants is if it has pollen sacks/flowers. And when you say flowers i assume that you mean pollen is useless without the female part of the plant which is the flower and pollen would travel from the pollen sac on a female plant to both its female flowers and other plants female flowers and pollinate both producing seeds. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Let it grow if you can handle a few seed, some of my plants made quite a few pollen sacs but compared to the big buds they were on i'd definatly say only a minute percentage of the overall size and if you can pinch of most before the open and spread the pollen then you will limit the amount of seeds produced. The bud will go on to be just fine no matter what but if for say you had two plants in ten and the rest were completly fine and likely to produce no male pollen sacs or seeds then why ruin a good crop for the sake of two plants, in this situation i'd probably chop. Seeds do seem to take a while to develop on the bud so 5 weeks ain't too long and keeping the wind levels in the grow room down to almost zero will stop the airborn spread of pollen around the buds.


Well-Known Member
one of my "friends" chopped the bottom half off those two plants the one in the back is the one with seeds




Well-Known Member
so what do u think i should do im 5 weeks into flowering (12 week plant) the plant is super healthy/stinky
should i cut it down early
keep checking to see if it grows any pollen sacks
Well, if you have younger plants that are in there then I would just chop, not worth ruining the rest. If it is the only one, or the last one, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Daily maintenance should take care of it if it isn't too aggressive of a problem. Good luck mang.


New Member
Hi i been doing this for a while this is my first naners iv seen so far im 8 weeks into flower.. i think it may of got to a few of my younger gilrs. Im wondering if i pull the hermis.. can i let the polinated females grow without polinating the girls i want to put in place of the hermi