Can severe heat and humidity damage plant?

I just went on vacation and left my plants all alone :( I'm excited to come back and see the progress BUT i'm away for a week and after two days my friend txts me and tells me that there has been a heat advisory in st.louis and I was wandering if I should get one of my friends to bring the plants inside for a lil while because of the severe weather, what do u think?


Well-Known Member
the humidity would be the bigger problem.
you could face mold problems.if it only last a few days then they will be fine.
some great growers in hawaii and its always humid.
some strains are more humidity resistant.
hope this helps a bit,
Yea I was thinking bout that but thank you for reasurring my fear lol jkjk thanks, uhm what would the mold look like/where would it most likely be on the plant and how can I clean up my baby


Well-Known Member
It will look like white fuzz patches.
Can start anywhere.
If it happens post and we all will help figure it out.