can some one help me out???


Well-Known Member
Im attepting to make some canna, balm, something to help with pain as a topical rub...
I put a 1/2 oz of smokable bud into 14 oz of coconut oil, and placed on low in a crock pot... so far ive cooked for 7 hrs. turned off over night, and turned back on this morning.
how much longer should i cook this for, and how do i know when this is ready. should i use a scent so i dont smell like bud walking int the store, and should id thicken with some bee's wax,,,


Well-Known Member
I used to do long coconut/butter crockpot cooks. It's definitely effective but more sedative. You really don't need to cook that long. Search around there are many different methods and recipes.

I'm assuming you don't wanna make concentrate first, I only use concentrate for cooking, much easier to dose, decarb, and no washing needed, etc.

So... I'd let it go an hour at at most on medium, then strain and look for some type of herbal balm or salve recipe to use it with. Just the cannabinods and oil as a topical might promote healing but will not relieve pain much unless you have a very low tolerance. Cannabis is usually a minor ingredient in most pain cremes and the like from dispensaries.