Can somebody explain this THC-A loophole?


Well-Known Member
I see all kinds of smokeshops in non-legal states like North Carolina on Instagram selling THCA flower & rosin pucks too.

See examples below


So correct me if I'm wrong.... but isn't all weed THCA until we heat it? So are these glass shops just selling real weed because technically it has less than 0.3% THC until its heated? LoL
I mean they're doing it right out in the open at their Brick & Mortar stores. Don't seem concerned at all. More power to em! I just wanted to know if I was confused ;-)
You know, in these times people just kind of do what the want. I guess I'm just paranoid about it but I won't even sell a single bud. That's a good way to loose you license and it's too important to me.
welcome to the new black market.. it's no longer the sketchy dude behind the deli or at the corner.. there are so many just shooting their shot and crossing their fingers..

I'm in a legal state but still, my town has three unlicensed shops, a 'weed bus' and 'weed van' selling 'stickers' with a free gift or straight out advertising cannabis. one is less than 500 feet from our police department.. I am blown away that they all get away with it..
Damn that sounds nice. It’s almost like being in a different country here in the Midwest.
from my experience it's all spray on terp, c/d grade trash being rejected from other states and/or being back doored to whoever the highest bidder is.. they're all over the online and social media as well (several in the midwest).. I bought once from one of the local shops just to make that determination.. I was like what do you have, not even strain names except one.. It was like, we have this stuff which is mid, then this is the highs.. It was gary payton that tasted nothing like gary payton.. I mean nothing like it.. then I asked about concentrates and they were way too excited to show me moon rocks ie what to do with mold trashy larfy crap.. I said hard no and peaced out with my not so payton

keep in mind not all that glitters is silver and gold.. or I guess in this case not all that glitters is trichs lol
It's no loophole

MFers are selling zips and QPs on facebook. It's all about not using any buzzwords that the algorithm will catch, but for the most part you can buy this stuff easily and openly if you're in the right groups, follow the right pages etc.
Not just Facebook, even Cookies has their own thca site. That's a pretty big company. I think the investors are suing over it but It will be interesting to see what happens.
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from my experience it's all spray on terp, c/d grade trash being rejected from other states and/or being back doored to whoever the highest bidder is.. they're all over the online and social media as well (several in the midwest).. I bought once from one of the local shops just to make that determination.. I was like what do you have, not even strain names except one.. It was like, we have this stuff which is mid, then this is the highs.. It was gary payton that tasted nothing like gary payton.. I mean nothing like it.. then I asked about concentrates and they were way too excited to show me moon rocks ie what to do with mold trashy larfy crap.. I said hard no and peaced out with my not so payton

keep in mind not all that glitters is silver and gold.. or I guess in this case not all that glitters is trichs lol
This is one of if not THE biggest benefit to growing your own now. You know exactly what you are getting. All this stuff treated with chemicals with no oversight is dangerous.
I get pure clean pesticide free materials to use in many ways now. ☮️☮️❤️❤️
And then you have sites like packtrapper that JDGAF and aren't even mentioning thca or anything. They just sell weed and extracts at great prices to all 50 states and they are completely legit. Pretty sure they are run by Neptune seed bank.
Arete hemps pretty decent, it’s not topshelf or as good as my own but for $160/oz with the variety packs it beats going to the dispensary if I’m out. I actually really like their miracle alien cookies.