Looks like "hot" soil to me. Miracle Grow soil is not ideal for cannabis in my experience. Is there any time release fertilizer in the soil?
Your plants exhibit signs of nute burn in my opinion, despite the fact that you have not yet fed them (aside from what's in the soil). Also, do not give cannabis molasses. If you provide it with the proper nutrients, light, temperature, humidity, air circulation, etc. etc., it will make it's own carbohydrates. What you are doing is asking for an infestation.
Why are you misting (foliar feeding) once per day? Are you doing this with the lights on? It is possible that this is what's burning your plant. I foliar feed my vegging plants once every two weeks, and some do not do so at all. If you are going to mist them, make sure the lights are off for the night and be brief. You want to grow a large root system and allow that to draw water/nutrients into the plant. Make sense?
If it's not burnt from water, it's the soil based on what I see/you have told me. If that's the case, try and locate some less "hot" soil and transplant. How often/much are you watering these?