you can use ANY lighting schedule and they will flower... thats the difference as it doesnt need a "photoperiod" of darkness to trigger its flowering cycle...
so even 18/6 16/8 14/10 12/12 10/14 8/16 etc... it doesnt really matter... and autos are typically smaller than regulars, only because photoperiods like indica or sativa can stay in their vegetative state longer as opposed to the autoflower's veg period is only practically 3 weeks then it starts to flower "automatically"...
18/6 is typically the way to go as a "best growth for your buck" as the difference between growth, like yield etc... is negligible between, 24 hours of light or 18 so typically the same results, and plants like to have "some downtime" even though they can handle no darkness with ease, it is just cheaper at only 18 hrs vs 24...
and your "elec" bill shouldnt be too high... here is just one of many sites that will calculate it for you... just take the total when youre done plugging in the figures... which will be cents per day, then times that by 30 days and then you got your cost per month...