can someone look at these pics and possibly tell me whats wrong


why are my leaves spotting rust like spots? the only thing i use is mollasses unsulphured about a gallon every watering. can someone with experience help?IMG_0189.jpgIMG_0190.jpgIMG_0194.jpgIMG_0232.jpg



Well-Known Member
Haven't run into this myself but it sort of looks like scale damage or gray spots, a type of plant virus. I'd try to look at it under a microscope or jeweler's loupe to be sure. Water spots is also possible.


Active Member
Could be alot of things most likely PH or low mag...Also need to feed em they are a little too light in color from low nitrogen..Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Going by the top leaves being light, I would think light in N.
Try some ferts with all 3 elements in it since you are also starting to flower.
Here's a chart I have found very useful, and helped me avoid asking a lot of repeat questions:-PView attachment 2342468
P.S. Molasses is good, 1 tsp/gal.


Well-Known Member
No one has suggested pests yet? Why?

Indoors or out? I see the plant indoors in one pic and out in the other.

If it is outdoors then you can have something eating your plant.



Well-Known Member
No one has suggested pests yet? Why?

Indoors or out? I see the plant indoors in one pic and out in the other.

If it is outdoors then you can have something eating your plant.

My excuse is because the spots in OP's pic appeared yellow, not white like thrip damage, but no, I did not notice that one pic was outdoors.