Can someone please diagnose my O.G Kush auto flower


Well-Known Member
Sup guys, title says it all really.
I'm having heat issues. Temps stay at 84°f and at times hit 86. The lowest will be 82. People swear I can grow in these conditions. So I need to know if there's something else causing the damage in the picture.



Active Member
What type of soil and genes? What type of light and how far away?

Looks like it could be nute burn maybe? I say that because of how the leaves are all curling. I'm no expert though. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, if you mean fox farm ocean forest then yea. I did realize it was hot for seedlings. I figured it would pull through like my photos. Guess not. Didn't know they were more sensitive.

So I guess it's not the heat then. Although I would prefer my temps to be like 78°

So does anyone know what should I do
about the hot soil? Thanks


Active Member
At this point let them run their course, even worse would be to transplant them, they hate that too lol they will prob be fine. Medical patient family of mine only uses fox farm ocean and autos and his always look great, every now and then a strain is super sensitive like that.

After the curling goes away and they are a few weeks old you can start introducing the nutes at like 1/8 to 1/4 depending on who you ask, I would suggest to err on the side of caution at 1/8 and slowly move em up.

Just a side note, they hate to be overwatered too, wait till the bucket is wicked light to water, sorry if I'm repeating what you know but it's a common auto error lol

Anytime! good luck