can someone please tell me what am i doing wrong


Active Member
first of all hi to all . now this is my first time growing in a hydroponic system and im growing 16 plants in a edd and flow type system and my lady are looking funny to me i uploaded some pic can some one please help me with this one

strains are bubble gum hash plant and aurora indica
ppm 580
light 18h/600wt/mh
reservoirs temp 73-f






Well-Known Member
are you feeding it any nutes? if so how much , how often are you flooding it and do you have a fan blowing inbetween the plants and light?


Active Member
see i was thinking light bun too but the problem is at the bottom not the top, you see if it was light bum it would have stared from the top im guessing i all so leached my plants in 1/4 solution on Saturday but they dont seem to be getting better


Active Member
im flooding 3 times a day at 8:00am/2:00pm/8:00pm with gh grow micro flora 5ml of each per gallon yes i have a fan blowing in between the light and plants temp in grow hut is 79-f


Active Member
Kinda looks like nute burn since the tips of the leaves are yellow and there being streaks. And isnt 5.9 alil too acidic? I dont know how different it is with a hydro set up but I'd think it should be 6.2 or above?


It may be due to the poor quality of the plants or maybe drying out how long does it take for yor ebb and flood to fill and empty


Active Member
5.8 to 6.5 for hydro i think it might be my nute im just gonna by some new ones because i am using 1/2 of what i am suppose to be using and now matter how little i use it seem to be damaging my girl