Can someone please tell me what my plant is trying to say?


Active Member
Ill start by saying this; my plant has been through a lot! Part of her was stolen, then she was transplanted and went through some stress then got better and now is starting to take the turn south again. Is this from too much light? (I have 6 23w 2700K and 2 23w 6500k), not enough water?, not enough ventalation? not enough nutes? I have not watered with nutes since the transplant because I over watered when transplanting. That was on the 14th of nov. The yellowing of the leaves is concerning me. Temp is 78, Humidity is at 82%. This is a true sativa and takes about 12 to 16 weeks to finish. I have about 3 to 4 weeks left. I know yellowing is normal durring final stages but I dont think its time for final stages. Any help? Here are some pics. First is right after transplanting (nov 14) notice how many leaves there were and how bright green. Second is the way it looks now. the rest random pics of my grow area.



Well-Known Member
the yellowing seams normal to me mate and there is no such thing a to much light more light = more weed what size pots you useing


Well-Known Member
It looks the way it SHOULD look at this stage. You're alright. You're doing fine. Just sit back and smoke a bowl.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Looks like normal yellowing. My Super Silver starts yellowing with 3 weeks to go. I agree with the other RIU members. More light is allways better and will help the final quality of your stash!


Well-Known Member
the plant dosnt look too bad i mean its still growing some nice buds. I love the look of an outdoor sativa bud, their always surrounded by lots of light green slender leaves. Good luck


New Member
Its trying to say -- lookafter me treat me right and i will reward you with gangster earb that will get you high man, well if it could talk, its looking fine man. chill