They also use neem cake. I would read this thread.
The trick with the RIGHT emulsifier is that the drops get so small that the Azadirachtin bekommes more soluble.
I use a spezial emulsifier on castor oil basis
Just for the record:
"Neem is simply systemic because azadirachtin works trough the plant in a genetical harmful way since larva feeding on treated plant matter wont be able to pass the lava stage, dont mature and die. so if you keep the level of azadirachtin in your plant constant, the effect will be present as well. plants of course metabolize the azadirachtin over a couple of days so it won't be in there forever as you might have this in mind as a systemic effect of an insectizide. Even Imid has a half life of ~150 days in soil so it will also be not in there and work forever.
a systemic effect is every eradicating effect that is induced through the plant after applying the insektizide. Its also a delayed effekt but its also active much longer, its just a matter of which chemical used, the conditions and plantsize (metabolism)
the other effect is a contact killer which is just poision you drop on bugs/plants. It has an immediate effect but only as long the applied solution is present. if your e.g pyrethrine solution has evaporated from the plants 1 hour after application the resolved poision will also be gone. thats why contact insectizides like phyrethrine dont have a harvest barrier.
So that says to me that neem is just tha BOMB
long term effect + safe use until day chopp chopp since you are not an alien cockroach or lets say dont plan to pupate
to have the best results from neem use you need to have a plan and know some dos and donts depending on which media youre in.
- get the right emulsifier before you use as a drench, dont blame neem if you fuck up plants by applying without any knowledge.
- ph your drench if you are in a hydro media (no micro life)
- also DO NOT add neem cake or seed meals to this mediums. This will lead to fungual developement, but not the good ones.
- Neem is good for plants though it's been a plant too before and will therefore also provide nutrient elements, proteins, carbonhydrates and whatever else. The solid products of course more than the oil but anyway you can make a use of that by soil application.
no need to explain basic soil biology and chemistry here i hope.
- AVOID to spray neem if possible. In my expericence neem DOES block stomata and suffocates plants in some way more or less. My ones never looked good after a treatment, which is quite rough because I spray rather wash them from below & above. The next day the leafes indeed look like they have some layer on them and feel grubby. they also curl downwards. So of you do a spray, also wash them with rainwater on the next day.
the idea of a spay app is more to wash of critters as good as possible, rather than killing them by any chemistry in some way. chemistry will happen as recently as a couple of days further. this is why they always suggest continuing foilar apps, like every 3 days or every week for at least 3 weeks. BUT if you also soildrench why should you longer stun your plants with foilar apps?
So I recommend a foilar if necessary also in combination with a drench
- As long as you use the right amount of emulsifier as well you presumably can not overdose Neem Oil in a drench. Of couse I mean a rational dose, dont blame me after pouring liters in there just to make a point.
cake/seed meal dont matter anyway as their dose is limited by the mix you choose (drainage, water holding whatever).