can you clone an outdoor plant

So basically i have 3 outdoor plants that havent shown there sex yet but are close and i was wondering can i take a clipping dip it in root horomone and stick it in soil and put it in the sun will it work and if not why


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Staff member
It should work as long as you can keep some sort of humidity dome over them, clip the leaves back about 1/2 way (cut the tips off to reduce transpiration) and mist them several times a day.
One thing I might worry about is heat - you might cook the little beauties in the hot sun, but a dome is a must.

Oh, and welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do it out here in the North, I usually come every couple days and mist and make sure the pellets/ soil is moist and it always works. Especially when the plant comes from outside to begin with, it can usually take the sun fairly well. Humidity is def a must though!


Active Member
yes i do all the time but keep in shade for a week or two then put back in sun you should have no problems keep the soil very moist though