Can you flower a 3 weeks old cannabis plant?


Hey Guys
please let me know if I can flower my 3 weeks old plant, I dont want to loose time since I dont know if its a female or not, and if female put back to Veg?
Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
For sure. You can either start flowering it out for the long run if its a girl or sex it and put it back in veg once sex shows. People do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Its cool to put into flower, if its a girl i would just flower it out, being that if yuh put it back into veg it will take a while to revert and result in slow growth,


Well-Known Member
I would not put it back into veg, nor would I start flowering until I knew the entire canopy would be full after the stretch is done.

You should consider female seeds or clones in the future.

Revegging means doing the stretch all over again when you want to flower.


Well-Known Member
Wait long enough until you can get a clone or two from it, then put it into flower. If it turns out to be female, you have clones to veg for next round, and you're well on your way to getting product. If it turns out to be male, toss it and the clones away.
