Can you grow almonds from store bought seeds?


Well, can you? I got a great deal on some today at the market, and I'd like to plant a few, if at all possible.

If anybody has done this before please give me the rundown on how to do it.

Are they almonds in the shell? Also, have they been toasted if they’ve been shelled and/or toasted, they’re no good. In the shell you might be able to get them to germinate, problem is almond trees are grafted to a different disease/pest resistant rootstock. They’ll grow, but probably not very well.
You probably want to read up on germinating almonds, my guess is what you have will not grow. You pretty much need to collect nuts from under an almond tree, then you need to stratify the seeds, see Google!
Yeah, I did read up on all of that, but I know you can grow other nuts bought from the store, so I figured that I'd see if anybody else has had any success :-)

Oh well....

Thanks a lot for the replies!
Yeah but would 60 seconds worth of steam actually make the nut unable to germinate though? What about seeds that sit out in the baking California sun all day on the ground? I'm sure that they would still germinate too if planted. And what about desert seeds that can sit for years in dry sandy soil baking in the triple digit sun day after day with no moisture? They can still sprout years and years later if the conditions are right.

I found this.

" The most common form of pasteurization consists of using steam to kill any surface bacteria that might be on the almonds.
The steam is only applied to the almonds for a short time - less than 60 seconds and this means that while the surface is heated, the internal almond "meat" is not.
The nut industry considers pasteurized nuts that have not undergone any further processing to be raw "

So, yeah, even still, they wont likely germinate, like you guys said, I'll go ahead give it a whirl anyway and see what happens. I have nothing to lose, and they wont take up much space in the fridge :-)
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I have sprouted pistacios from store just have to buy the non rosted non seasoned.usually those are the bio or vegan more expensive crap. And then of course each plant has its triggers trees usually have a winter trigger they have to be cold for a month or more
That's Awesome! I actually soaked mine overnight, and I planted them out in my garden bed. It stays freezing cold at night here until nearly May, so maybe they will germinate. I will not keep my fingers crossed though, haha!
First germinate your seeds in a controlled environment. You can do this by soaking about 20 seeds in water overnight, then crack slightly them with a nut cracker. Next plant them one to two inches inside a pot with soil and draining holes.

Place the pot in a spot with direct sunlight and wait for the Almonds to sprout.

you may wish to look up grafting, some plants are slow growing, so there grafted onto a faster growing root stock,

id love to grow pastachios, but sadly they won't do very well here in the united kingdom
That's Awesome! I actually soaked mine overnight, and I planted them out in my garden bed. It stays freezing cold at night here until nearly May, so maybe they will germinate. I will not keep my fingers crossed though, haha!
hi, try fileing the edges off your almond seed shell, almost down to the fleshy nut inside, sand paper works well or a file will do the job. but just make sure you get the most expencive ones you can, ie, shop for quality, if your going to invest all that time on growing the tree, make sure its the best you can get
Thanks for the tips guys! I'll do a few more and see what works best :-) I seriously doubt that any will sprout, but I'll keep you all posted!
What i did with lotus seeds is with sanding paper sand one side of the shell soo water can go inside it helps the soaking part