I know that in the last week or two of a plants flowering time you have to flush the plant with water. The leaves of the plant turn yellow because of nitrogen deficiency. My question is, Can you make hash from those leaves?
The yellow ones are fan leaves. Not much if any bristling on them. But if there is crystals on any leaves yes can make hash. But more work. It's up to you deside how much work you want.
For some reason I thought all the leaves would turn yellow, but thanks for clarifying the different types of leaves. I'm obviously on my first DWC grow so this helps a lot. And it's also my first time thinking about making hash, I just got the bubble bags and everything.
IMO, don't use the yellow leaves. Only use green leaf.
Run 2 batches of bubble bags extraction. 1 with the large fan leaves and stem plant material & 1 of prime trim off buds and small leaf around bud.
Not sure how you plan on using the bubble bags, but the the dry ice method with a 220 & 73 micron bag from the bubble bag set is all you need. Great extraction method, a lot less work and much cleaner.