Can you mix crushed mosquito dunks in mix?


Well-Known Member
So would it be fine to crush up some mosquito dunks and add it when mixing up soil ? If so how much per gallon ?
I do. I used to powder them up in a mini food chopper. Too dusty for my liking these days. You could easily use bits over dunks. The problem with adding it to your soil once is that the other microbes out compete it and it doesn't multiply so reapplication is needed.
Your best throwing a dunk into a 5 gallon bucket of water and keep it on hand. Add a little of the BTi water frequently to your watering regimen. Throw some crushed dunks into the soiling you want. It will help for now and give you a high populous.
Get some yellow sticky cards to catch the adults.


Well-Known Member
I do. I used to powder them up in a mini food chopper. Too dusty for my liking these days. You could easily use bits over dunks. The problem with adding it to your soil once is that the other microbes out compete it and it doesn't multiply so reapplication is needed.
Your best throwing a dunk into a 5 gallon bucket of water and keep it on hand. Add a little of the BTi water frequently to your watering regimen. Throw some crushed dunks into the soiling you want. It will help for now and give you a high populous.
Get some yellow sticky cards to catch the adults.
I got some dunks in hand for now ,
I’ll go with the bits nxt time to avoid the dustiness I crushed up some a bit ago . . How much should I use per gallon ? I’ll sprinkle a bit on top also .. might as well if mixing some soil up I got some sticky traps aswell on hand


Well-Known Member
I got some dunks in hand for now ,
I’ll go with the bits nxt time to avoid the dustiness I crushed up some a bit ago . . How much should I use per gallon ? I’ll sprinkle a bit on top also .. might as well if mixing some soil up I got some sticky traps aswell on hand
1tbsp/gallon should fine. But I'd strongly advise the puck in a bucket of water kept on hand at the ready in addition to putting it into the soil. Reapply weekly and no need to oxygenate the stand by water.


Well-Known Member
Or this.... much easier than crushing or grinding bits... 1 drop per 2 gallons. Goes a hell of a long ways. If you're a home grower, this will last forever. Commercial grow with 87 plants will last the whole run from clone to harvest for about $22 bucks. Use big sticky yellow traps to get the adults, and refresh them at the flip. Kills out Fungus gnat and springtail larvae.
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Well-Known Member
Or this.... much easier than crushing or grinding bits... 1 drop per 2 gallons. Goes a hell of a long ways. If you're a home grower, this will last forever. Commercial grow with 87 plants will last the whole run from clone to harvest for about $22 bucks. Use big sticky yellow traps to get the adults, and refresh them at the flip. Kills out Fungus gnat and springtail larvae.
Yeah definitely will make it a lot easier I’ll be getting it thanks !


Well-Known Member
I'm sure everyone knows what a mosquito dunk really is......a well dried corn cob sliced into thin sections. It's like cutting steel , probably why they make good pipes. I make my own. I'm sure you can get a small bag of them through an upscale garden magazine , like
" Hearth and Plow" for a small fortune ( probably only one corn cob cut up).

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I'm sure everyone knows what a mosquito dunk really is......a well dried corn cob sliced into thin sections. It's like cutting steel , probably why they make good pipes. I make my own. I'm sure you can get a small bag of them through an upscale garden magazine , like
" Hearth and Plow" for a small fortune ( probably only one corn cob cut up).
Where did you come up with that nonsense?


Well-Known Member
Where did you come up with that nonsense?
Are retractions allowed ? Apologies ! Is was blind faith. Slices of corn cob were tossed in stagnant water for years up in NE. Supposedly the bti formed on cob slices. I even remember reading articles. Certainly can't find facts now to back it up. Maybe it had something to do with the corn crop being sprayed with the bacteria.
My reply was a knee-jerk reaction....I fucked up....didn't do my homework. Very embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Are retractions allowed ? Apologies ! Is was blind faith. Slices of corn cob were tossed in stagnant water for years up in NE. Supposedly the bti formed on cob slices. I even remember reading articles. Certainly can't find facts now to back it up. Maybe it had something to do with the corn crop being sprayed with the bacteria.
My reply was a knee-jerk reaction....I fucked up....didn't do my homework. Very embarrassing.
A great reminder not to talk out of my ass ! Thanks fellow weed fiend !


Well-Known Member
A great reminder not to talk out of my ass ! Thanks fellow weed fiend !
Actually ,you were onto something .Conidia is a fungal insect repellent and it is made in small quantities by steeping corn.I found it checking if BTI can become systemic in corn cobs.Cheers

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You can crumble up mosquito dunks to a dust with your hands easily enough. They aren't corncob slices, although corn may be part of the process.