Can you re use indoor soil after a grow? Please read my idea? Makes sense to me....

So I was reading a discussion about the use of soil after a harvest. Lets get on factor out, there are no pests or diseases from the soil being re-used.

What if 70% of the root mass was taken out. Soil washed out for any salt content. After drying compost tea would be used to re-estbalished the organisms and nutrients stripped away.

Would that work? Sounds good to me but wanted to get other opinion if they read or heard of someone. Thanks
iv always heard never to re-use soil and even if you could after doing everything you said, why would you go through that hassle when soil is so cheap and so easy to replace? sounds pretty retarded to me


Well-Known Member
I dunno, farmers use the same soil in their fields for centuries.... If you want to take the time to enrich it and add nutrients that were leached out from the previous grow I wouldn't see anything wrong with reusing soil.