can you really tell sex this early? sprouted 3 wks ago, pics included


I'm new but I've been lucky so far, the first seeds I grew turned into lovely ladies that were really easy to identify as females while still vegging, but that wasn't until like 6-8 weeks maybe. I know males show sex earlier, but this early? This is just some rando bagseed I grew for the hell of it and it looks like it has weed nuts already. Am I just imagining things?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Me too. But it's way too early unless it's an auto. I've been getting a crash course in them. I saw a 3 mo old plant that looked like someone stuck a big main cola in the dirt.


yeah, it's under 18/6, plenty of light and right near a bulb so i don't know why it would be doing this so early?


Well-Known Member
Dont kill it. Move it onto your deck outside or something and then collect the pollen sacs when they pop. Then burn your clothes, then you can use a paint brush to brush a female and get some seeds in the end on the buds you paint.


Well-Known Member
Dont kill it. Move it onto your deck outside or something and then collect the pollen sacs when they pop. Then burn your clothes, then you can use a paint brush to brush a female and get some seeds in the end on the buds you paint.
Exactly what they said, also it def looks like an auto so you may want to try crossing this with your favorite regular strain and make it automatic as well ;)