can you tell me if my plants are budding early? please and thank you


Well-Known Member
i had planted around may 12 they were vegging pretty well until a few started budding i cut the tops of those 3 plants and they continued to veg very well now alot of the tops have a few pre flower pistils with a little bit of resin on the pod that the pistils come out of can you tell me if these are budding or are they going to go back into veg? my climate is northern california any suggestions or opinons???



Well-Known Member
there was maybe one week of rainy/cloudy conditions but since then its been in the 90's and clear with about 15 hours of sunlight now


cloud dosnt really count as (dark time) but if urplants have decreased to 15 hours of sunlight that could have confused them into flowering unlesss u had auto seeds


Well-Known Member
Just give them some time they will revert back to veg. i did this same thing and once the daylight hours increased they stopped flowering.

diet coke

Active Member
Yours look fine, I have a white widow that is flowering outside with 15 hours of sun. Also have clones that started to flower then reverted to vegging. All of mine are 101 days old :)


Well-Known Member
They will be perfectly fine. Do not make any harsh moves.

Stand back and let them grow :)
